The content of nutrients in the banana peel is quite complete, such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, iron, phosphorus, bebebapa vitamins such as B and C, as well as water. All these elements can be useful as an energy source for the human body also antibodies.
The chemical content of a banana skin.
Banana skin contains large amounts of water which reached 68.90%, the second element it contains quite big in the banana peel at 18.50% carbohydrate. The remainder consists of protein, iron and other elements.
Skin Benefits of Bananas For Body.
With the content of a banana peel mentioned above, it is not wrong if the banana peel can also provide a number of benefits for the body. Below are some of the benefits of banana peel that you can maximize:
Can increase levels of serotonin, serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is mainly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and central nervous system (CNS). function of serotonin is to regulate the work of the gut, as well as for the regulation of mood, appetite, sleep, muscle contraction, and so on.
- Both to improve eye health and protect against cataracts.
- Can be as natural antioxidants.
- Reduce the risk of macular degeneration.
- Can purify water as well as heavy metals in the body.
- Helps relieve pain and accelerate the healing of wounds.
- Addressing itchy skin caused by a mosquito bite.
- Can smooth the skin.
- Can be used to treat warts.
- Banana peel can cure a headache, how to peel a banana and menempelkannnya pounding on the forehead.
Thus a brief review of the chemical content and benefits of banana skin to the body, hopefully after reading this article, you will be a little more investagate about the usefulness of a banana peel bananas apart piece itself.